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Nanny Budgeting

As nannies, we know that for some, our budget can get a little tight. Some of us are paid an hourly rate, some a salary and for others, well we just need more money. Whatever your financial state may be, budgeting is always important. I've been a nanny for 9 years and for the past 5 months I've been freelancing. Some weeks are aaaahhhmazing, but some leave me wondering where all of my money went. I knew that it was time to get on a strict financial plan.

I recently started the 36 day Live Richer Challenge with The Budgetnista. Now if you've not heard of her, please go and check her out at! Her #1 goal is to get women on a better financial path. I'm on day 4 of the challenge and our task is to open a digital savings account. For me, savings has always been a struggle because my account is tied directly to my checking account, which makes it super easy to transfer money. With opening an online savings account, the money isn't always accessible and it takes 2-5 business days to show up in your account if you need it.

I decided to give it a try and I downloaded the Digit app. Digit is an online account program that connects directly to your bank account and transfers small savings automatically throughout the month. You can also transfer manually. I love this idea, as I think about all the Starbucks or little things that I may purchase at Target without second thought (yea, I'm putting a stop to that as well) :-( To learn more about Digit and sign up, sign up using my link here

I can't wait to see where I am by the end of the month! To learn more about the Live Richer Challenge, check it out here I'll be sharing more very soon!!

Let's do this!!


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